The forests of the United States are made up of many
kinds of trees, in all, more than 800 species and varieties. These
forests cover several large geographic areas, each containing
different kinds of trees, depending upon the soil and climatic
conditions found in the growing areas.The
forest areas of the United States have been botanically and
geographically identified as:
 | The Northern or Eastern Forest that once
covered all of the northeastern section of the country. In the
northern part of the forest we have primarily white pine, spruce,
firs and hemlock, birch, beech and maple. In the mountains, oak,
hickory, ash, and northern species at higher elevations dominate the
The Appalachian Forest - Within the Northern Forest is
an important subregion in the mountains between Pennsylvania and
Georgia now known throughout the country and the world as the
Appalachian Hardwood Region. In this area we find oak, hard maple,
yellow poplar, ash, cherry, basswood and many other kinds of trees.
 | The Central Hardwood Forest is located
between the Northern and Southern Forests. It extends through the
central part of the country as far west as the Great Plains, east to
the foothills of the mountains, north to the Lake States and south
into Tennessee. It lies generally in the flat river bottoms, and
rolling hills of the Middle West. Hardwoods make up the main type
of trees in this area, examples of which are oak, sugar maple,
yellow poplar, white ash, basswood and walnut.
 | The Southern Forest-- Lying south of the
Central Hardwood Forest, it contains most of the southeastern states
extending up the Atlantic Coast to Maryland, up the Mississippi
River to Illinois, and west into Texas. Southern yellow pine and
cypress are the important evergreen trees, while important hardwoods
are oak, gum, cottonwood, hickory, pecan, and willow.
 | The Rocky Mountain Forest -- covers the
slopes of the Rocky Mountains and extends from Canada to Mexico.
The most important trees are ponderosa pine, Douglas fir, western
white pine, lodgepole pine and western larch.
The Pacific Coast Forest. Lying on the western side of the Rocky
Mountains , it extends from Canada to Mexico. Trees found in this
area are the Douglas fir, sugar pine, western cedar, western
hemlock, the true fir and the giant sequoia and redwood trees. |

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