The term "intensive management" as applied to
forestry requires explanation. The cardinal rule of forestry is to
create ideal growth environments for different kinds of trees so that
each will grow to its full capacity. Some species will not grow in
soils and climates where others thrive. The forester knows what grows
best and where. Whether he's starting from scratch in an area with
few or no trees, or taking over an unmanaged forest, he must make
several key decisions.
First he must determine how each parcel of land in
his area of responsibility can best be used. Options include
commercial timber growth, recreation, wildlife improvement of
watershed management, or for a combination of purposes. Second, he
must decide what tree species or combination of species will grow best
under conditions he finds or can create. Third, he must determine
what management technique can best achieve the objectives he has
Tree harvesting is an essential forest management
tool -- whether or not an area is used for commercial timber
production. As a new stand of trees grow, periodic thinnings are
performed. This involves the removal of defective or less promising
trees to give the more superior trees sufficient room and sunlight for
maximum growth. Material removed in thinning can be used as pulp for
paper production or as small sawlogs for board and dimension lumber.
There are a number of different harvesting
techniques. The choice is strongly influenced by what the forester
determines will produce the best results from the standpoint of
regeneration. Trees such as southern pine, black walnut, yellow
poplar, cherry, some oaks and other species grow best with full
exposure to the sun. To provide the essential sunlight, foresters
sometimes recommend even-aged management as the most appropriate
harvesting technique.
With this method, all trees are removed within a
limited area of the forest. Regeneration is swift under the stimulus
of the sun, and in a comparatively short period of time the area is
reinvested with trees which are frequently superior to their
predecessors. Even-aged management is a human adaptation of nature's
original blueprint for forest regeneration. The only difference is
that human clearcuts are considerably less drastic than nature's
wildfires and not wasteful.
The selection method is another extensively used
harvesting technique, which involves the removal of specified
individuals or small groups of trees. This is a frequent choice in
the case of shade-tolerant species where there is no danger of
desirable species being crowded out by their natural habitats due to
lack of sunshine.
Of course, no site is attractive in the immediate
wake of logging---regardless of the method of harvest. But, aesthetic
impact can be minimized by limiting the area of harvest, contouring it
to blend with the surrounding landscape, removing debris, and prompt
regeneration. Aerial logging systems using helicopters and balloons
-- while still in developmental stages -- further minimizing the
visual eyesores of logging. Other logging methods such as cable
logging and total tree utilization are continuously improving the
visual aesthetics of harvesting aftermath.